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Getting you ESP32 ready

To start programming ESP32 in MicroPython, you should consider downloading Thonny IDE and the latest build of ESP32 MicroPython distribution (download the .bin file). Thonny installation is more or less straightforward. MicroPython distribution for ESP32, however, needs to be installed onto the board through Thonny IDE.

To flash your firmware:

  1. Connect ESP32 via USB cable.
  2. In Thonny you navigate to Tools > Options > Interpreter.
  3. For the interpreter, select Micropython for ESP32.
  4. For the port, use the option that says “Silicon lab”.
  5. Press “install or update the firmware”.
  6. Find the file you had downloaded earlier.

A detailed guide on installation procedure can be found at Random Nerd Tutorials.

Programming basics

There are tons of great sources and one of the places to start might be our course. It covers most of the basics and comes with a supplementary data in a form of codes that were used during the course exercises.